Aurizon – Wayside Condition Monitoring Support
Aurizon – Wayside Condition Monitoring Support L2iQ is proud of their ongoing involvement with the Operations and Maintenance of the Aurizon owned, Trimble Beenavision condition monitoring equipment located at Branxton in the Hunter Valley. This system is used extensively by Aurizon throughout Australia, including the Hunter Valley, to monitor the condition of their rollingstock fleet. […]
ARTC Communications Site Maintenance
ARTC Communications Site Maintenance L2iQ recently undertook maintenance of communications sites on behalf of ARTC in the SIA and TAR corridors. For the SIA corridor, a total of twenty-nine sites between Port Botany in South-eastern Sydney, Wagga Wagga in the Riverina region of NSW and Dubbo in the Orana region of NSW were attended. In […]