ARTC Communications Site Maintenance

ARTC Communications Site Maintenance

L2iQ recently undertook maintenance of communications sites on behalf of ARTC in the SIA and TAR corridors.

For the SIA corridor, a total of twenty-nine sites between Port Botany in South-eastern Sydney, Wagga Wagga in the Riverina region of NSW and Dubbo in the Orana region of NSW were attended. In the TAR corridor, a total of twenty-one sites between Bromelton in the Queensland Scenic Rim region and Mt Douglas in the NSW Hunter region were attended.

Sites ranged from shared hill top telecommunications compounds to isolated communications huts located adjacent to the rail corridor. In total, approximately 10,000km were travelled over a period of 6 weeks.

Activities conducted as part of the site maintenance included:

  • battery/rectifier maintenance;
  • compound maintenance including trimming and vegetation control;
  • compound and tower inspections;
  • verification of communications equipment;
  • collection of photographic documentation of all sites; and
  • completion of condition reports and recommended corrective maintenance for each site.