Aurizon – Wayside Condition Monitoring Support
L2iQ is proud of their ongoing involvement with the Operations and Maintenance of the Aurizon owned, Trimble Beenavision condition monitoring equipment located at Branxton in the Hunter Valley.
This system is used extensively by Aurizon throughout Australia, including the Hunter Valley, to monitor the condition of their rollingstock fleet.

Railway condition monitoring systems are trackside equipment (and often backend data and presentation elements) which uses various transducers to measure the condition of elements of the rolling stock using Infrared Temperature sensors, lasers, acoustic arrays, accelerometers, strain gauges along with many other measurement transducers and techniques. The Beenavision system is slightly different, relying almost entirely on intelligent video analytics to monitor and analyse vehicle elements, including wheel condition and dragging equipment as just two examples. The net result is that the Trimble Beenavision system can often provide condition monitoring data for more vehicle elements using less trackside equipment.

The data captured through this equipment has been used successfully by Aurizon to inform maintenance practices, and reduce workshop inspections – something that we know first-hand has been a challenge for other rollingstock operators. L2iQ has supported both Aurizon and Trimble over the past 18 months by providing specialist on-site technical expertise, network knowledge and facilitation of rail safe working arrangements, building on our presence in Railway Condition Monitoring.

We thank our friends at Aurizon and Trimble for the opportunity to be involved in such interesting work and look forward to witnessing the improvement this system offers in maintenance